Automaton for Operaton

For the development environment and for demo purposes, I have modeled a simple process including a DMN.

Why? So that I have an active system during the development process and don’t have to create instances manually all the time. I also want to carry out some load and performance tests.

For this purpose, I have written a NodeJs application that automatically executes the following activities as soon as the application is started.

  • Start process instances in a random time interval
  • Randomly claim and complete an open task
  • Decision Table
  • Every 5 minutes a batch starts to migrate all process instances to the latest BPMN model

Additional features that I would like to add are

  • A few errors to provoke incidents
  • Extension of the process to include as many / all aspects of BPMN 2.0 as possible
  • Docker image with ENVs for the intervals, endpoint and other configuration parameters

Anyone interested in the application?
What other features would be interesting? Do you have any ideas / suggestions?

PS: Sorry for the title :grimacing:


I think it could be interesting to let it run with our nightly builds and reset it everyday. If error rates are above some defined expected thresholds it could raise an issue on Github.

@amzill already suggested a similar setup. And I would be happy to use it as a possible endpoint for better implementing the web app features.

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