Chat Channel for fast communication

For faster communication I talked with @javahippie today and proposed that I could offer a Slack channel to which interested people could be invited. This would be an intermediate solution until Operaton has own resources to host something like Matrix. This channel shall not be a replacement for the forum, and in the sense of openness everything important should be shared again via the forum or GH issues.

What is your opinion?


A Slack channel would be nice and simple solution. Perhaps Mattermost is also a good Open Source alternative (i don’t use matrix right now). Regarding servers we could sponsor Hetzner cloud servers if needed.


My proposal would be to create a dedicated Slack channel for now. This would not increase your itemis bill for slack (while I really appreciate the offer!), and the missing message history can be seen as a feature ~ we don’t want to discuss anything important regarding roadmap etc., it’s just an ephemeral chat for the devs to coordinate their work. Thoughts on this?


Great, I’m on it. The free plan should be enough for this.

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I would ask if Discord can be an alternative to Slack, because Slack mentioned month ago to use free chat content to teach their AI tools.

We would not share sensible information anyway, don’t we? Slack is a great tool to work with, but others would do for me, too. I’m using Rambox to combine the various chatters, would be great if one of the supported apps is the one of choice.

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I do not use Discord, Slack would work great for me

I’d be happier with Slack, too, as I don’t have Discord installed anywhere, too.

All fine. I got it :grin:.

What is the next step, after we say it will become Slack?

I have created a new workspace with the free plan.
Shall I invite on demand, or just paste the invitation link here?


I’d be happy with a public link here and on the GitHub Repo, so people can join as long as they want. It’s not a conspiracy in there :smiley:

Edit: Thanks for creating that!


Here’s the invitation link. I‘ll place it later on the repo. Feel free to make it before me.


Thank you @kthoms for creating and your work.

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