New Web Apps (alpha)

Please note that the new web application is not feature complete and is still under active development.

We published the source code of the current state of the new web apps of Operaton on GitHub:

Differences to the existing Web Apps

  • Preact (very similar to React, but a little faster) instead of Angular(.js)
  • Renaming and removal of pages
    • Now we have: Tasks, Processes, Decisions, Deployments, Batches, Migrations, Admin
    • Only one level of navigation, no “app-switching”
  • New UX patterns (testing, still need feedback): less confusion when using the app
  • No apps are locked behind a paywall, everything will be open-source
    • Most importantly we want to add: “History-mode” and “Process Instance Migrations”
  • Basic global search
  • Bundled or stand-alone deployment of web apps
    • Switch between different Operaton backends with one deployment of the web apps
  • Accessibility from the beginning (so Operaton can be used in all companies)


If you like to contribute, have a look at the GitHub issues and the docs/ folder for more information on how to work on the project.

Currently @andrea and I (@paul) have worked on the tasks page and the processes page respectively. We are happy if you like to join our efforts!

Getting Feedback

The current iteration of the web apps are already based on the feedback gathered from previous Camunda 7 users. We want to continue in this direction by receiving further feedback from the community and their experiences. Please share them in the forum or open up an issue on GitHub.


Thanks for the writeup – and of course, also for the Web App code and design!

Do you think it would make sense to include screenshots to the, so people have the visual directly accessible?


Here we go:


Wow, Paul, this looks great! It is a very important step that you have taken. Thanks for all the effort :heart:


That is a great leap forward for operaton as a project. Thank you @paul! :partying_face: :tada:

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This is indeed a very welcomed news!

Could you please consider the feature of replacing some visual aspects via start parameters/properties? Such as: Colors, visibility of the elements, Logo etc. In Camunda, one has to edit the .css file and then repackage the application for that. Hence we created a module that serves those files dynamically based on properties. Now we can change the visual aspects without changing the application, by only channg the start params.

The plan is to add proper customization, once the core features are working.

We also use CSS ‘variables’ to centralize the styling, which leads to easy customization of the whole app:

Before making this possible, I’d like to find a way to prevent people from making the web apps inaccessible by choosing poor colors or fonts.

Do you set the values of the variables via start parameter / properties?

IMO you should not worry about that. If something is unusable, the customizer will notice it quite quickly and change the params. The responsibilty is then not yours.

Do you set the values of the variables via start parameter / properties?

Not yet, but there will be some option for overriding. But we need to decide how to do this properly at some point.

IMO you should not worry about that. If something is unusable, the customizer will notice it quite quickly and change the params. The responsibilty is then not yours.

Yes, it wouldn’t be our legal responsibility.
But, I would disagree. Most people don’t even know what is inaccessible and just decide from their (able-bodied) gut. Therefore, I would strive to ‘protect’ those who would be affected by the decision of changing the design. It isn’t a matter of who is legally responsible, but more of who is ethically responsible to let such decisions be easily made, without warning about consequences.

I meant exactly that and still mean that the responsibility is at the adjuster side.