🌐 Operaton.org Just Got a Major Upgrade!

We’ve revamped our website to better showcase our vision, provide key resources, and make it easier than ever for you to get involved in the future of open-source process automation!

:mag: What’s New?

:pushpin: Comprehensive Information – Whether you’re a developer, business analyst, or decision-maker, our site clearly explains what Operaton is, why we built it, and how it can benefit you.

:newspaper: Latest News & Updates – Stay informed with our blog, where we share new releases, community news, and feature announcements.

:dart: Roadmap – See our plans for the future and track how Operaton is evolving.

:speech_balloon: Community & Contribution – Join the discussion! Connect with other users on our forum, Slack, and GitHub to ask questions, share ideas, or contribute to the project.

:earth_africa: Why Operaton?

:white_check_mark: 100% Free & Open Source – Licensed under Apache 2.0, ensuring it remains open forever.

:white_check_mark: High-Quality Standards – Built for reliability, performance, and transparency.

:white_check_mark: Migration Helpers – Supporting Camunda 7 CE users with planned migration tools.

:white_check_mark: Modern Technology Stack – Powered by modern Java versions and up-to-date dependencies.

:white_check_mark: Community-Driven – No single corporation controls the project—it’s shaped by its contributors.

Let’s make process automation truly open and free! :bulb:

:arrow_right: Check it out now: operaton.org

What do you think of the new site? Let us know in the comments! :speech_balloon::rocket: