Operaton-test-utils-testcontainers module


this topic is related to this github issue: [2] (Remove dependency to camunda-built docker images · Issue #2 · operaton/operaton · GitHub)
I have come to the conclusion that this module is probably unnecessary and can be removed from the repository altogether. There is no advantage to the currently implemented custom containers over the default images from the public hub. Also, I could not find any use of images from this module in the operaton code.
I propose that this module be removed.

Hi Mikhail,

thanks for bringing this up. If I understand this correctly, then the custom-built Camunda Docker images that we cannot access from their private repository is not used anywhere else in the codebase?

@kthoms Do you have an opionion on this matter? I’m leaning towards removing them, too, as clients using e.g. MSSQL will already have test strategies for it anyways and it looks like we don’t use them anywhere in integration tests.


I did not have a look at the module so far. Could you open an issue for this?

I think this was discovered during work on Remove dependency to camunda-built docker images · Issue #2 · operaton/operaton · GitHub