Scope of 1.0.0-beta-3

It has been already a month since 1.0.0-beta-2 has been released. A lot happened in the meantime. IMO we should think about to release 1.0.0-beta-3 in the not too far future.

Depending on the scope we can think about a time frame to schedule the release.

What do we have?

  • “Operaton” (“Run”) distribution is build by default nightly
  • Tons of code cleanups
  • >4k resolved Sonar findings
  • JUnit 5 migration: Huge progress, but still the largest modules (esp. “engine”) to be done
  • Enable the badge in the bpmn-js and dmn-js renderers
  • Resolve some usages of deprecated code

There are some important tasks in the pipeline, which we may want to finish before releasing the next beta, or after. Here I need your opinion:

  • Drop of Wildfly26/Tomcat 9 support
  • Related to the above: Drop of Spring 5, Javax; Merge “Jakarta” modules into their “main” module
  • Alpha version of webapps: Wait or integrate into distro? (Here I think it is too early for)
  • Making Docker images available for the distros
  • Documentation
    Anything else?

My feeling is that a good time for the next beta release is in 2 or 3 weeks (Jan 17th/24th).

What do you think?

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Thanks for bringing this up. I think for the new webapps it’s too early. Providing the docker images/ run distro should be in the scope of beta3.

I think finishing all refactoring should be not a blocker for beta3.

Agreed. Minor refactorings do not have to be complete.
Docker images will be available soon.

I’m especially curious about the breaking changes, if we could finish them before.

Yes, web apps are too early ^^