Website / Marketing

I had a look at and at least they do their marketing well. What are the plans to work on something similar for I think this would need some professional touch, and maybe requires external resources.

I have the feeling that this could be an important success factor for the project and that we should not wait long here.


Hi @kthoms,

the website was put up rather quickly. @paul is the frontend developer and designer at lambdaschmiede GmbH, and created the webpage as a quick draft so we were able to go live.

During our dayjob he already brought up that he would like to create a more polished version, which is something he is definitely capable of.

To put it simply, it’s a matter of time and money. If we agree that a more professional web presence would be important to better communicate our vision and values, I’d be fine with shifting resources there.

Thanks for the quick response. And no offense at all for @paul , I totally understand that this is the first step.
Marketing is not my thing TBO, it is just my feeling that it could be important here. Sometimes it does not matter what the better product is.
What do others think? @andrea @amzill ?

I think we made great progress for the overall project vision and execution and it’s time to update our copy texts and build a fresh website. I’ve heard feedback that we’re seen as “enthusiasts”, that cannot maintain enterprise software, but honestly, with 20+ years of experience per core team member, we know exactly what we’re doing—and it’s time to show that!


I also have some ideas for content / marketing for example:

  • Explaining the legacy and future of Camunda 7 (and basically what a fork is)

  • Explaining our strategy in regards to handling legacy, migration, refreshing the codebase

  • Explaining the planned governance structure

  • Mentioning the team’s expertise

  • Explaining the whole Angular EOL problem

  • Sponsoring everyone a “Operaton Champion” Pullover/T-Shirt who would like to have one for doing fancy posts on LinkedIn

Yes, you nailed it. We should show that this project is much more than just enthusiasts hobby.
We could learn from cibseven, and make it even better then.


I think we have to do the Version 1.0.0 launch with the current proper Angular web apps and communicate that they will be replaced in Q2 or Q3/2025 with preview in Q1/2025 available.

To do this we have to review the Angular CVEs ourselfes. I created another spreadsheet for this: AngularJS_Vulnerabilities - Google Sheets

Another idea is to integrate @datakurres cockpit plugin in our distribution => GitHub - datakurre/camunda-cockpit-plugins: Minimal "history plugins" for Camunda Cockpit

This way we could create good marketing material from it, that we already have a more secure (or oss compliant) and feature rich version that is fully backward compatible (on a database and rest api level).

We just have to explain what are the benefits of doing the Java Api migration, vs. using a drop-in replacement

Thank Julian for the summary! I also think that it would be “good enough” to ship the existing apps with notice that they are deprecated.

I wonder whether cibseven would ship new ones, or just polish the existing. Based on the commit activity I would bet on latter.

There is just 1 critical and 1 high severity issue. Would it be enough to address these 2 first? Not sure if this is possible, and if this affects the others.

Could you raise an issue to track this?

Just made a very promising test with ChatGPT, i think it can fix the codebase when you give the very detailed CVEs as input to it. Will try it out later today. Would be really nice if we can show some documentation that we actively reviewing the CVEs for it as long as we ship it. I think you’re right we possibly even do not need to fix all issues.

Thanks Julian!

I’m not sure if everybody is able to access this, but the Security Tab in GitHub already tracks issues which are found in Dependabot:

Many of those are not resolveable, because they are in angular themselves, or in dependencies which Angular uses, that have vulnerabilities which are only fixed in major version upgrades.

From what I understand, the CIBseven web apps are a complete rewrite in Vue.js. However, as a user of this project, we’re particularly interested in shipping the Cockpit app alongside our product.

That said, there are a few uncertainties regarding the CIBseven web apps. Specifically:

• How will they be licensed?

• When will the code be open-sourced?

• Will there be any potential trademark issues that could prevent embedding them?

I also had another look at the screenshots here UI Preview - CIB seven
and I’m quite unsure if the Cockpit is even part of the open-source apps or if it is part of their commercial offering.

For me that looks like only the upper apps will be part of CIB seven, which translates to “tasklist”, “admin”, “modeler”

In contrast, when it comes to the Operaton Fork, I can see a much clearer path forward. It seems achievable to have everything in place, with all major issues addressed, within the next few weeks.

As @javahippie said, the website was a two day first draft. @kthoms no offense taken :slight_smile:

But I agree, that this is something important to signal to enterprise customers by presenting a proper website. I started to mock a new version recently in Figma. I can share the draft for better collaboration.
That said, I would personally prioritize this problem as well.

And I would be open to focus on this topic as soon as we have a decision. As @Julian correctly mentioned, we won’t be able to release a proper replacement anytime soon. Therefore, if we invest a few hours into the website, this won’t be noticeable in the grand scheme.

My thoughts on what the website should communicate and how it should be designed:

The start page

  • The specific nature of the FOSS license
  • How we value the community aspect of organizing the project
  • The features
  • The roadmap
  • A short(er) statement why we do this

The design

  • Simple (cib7 for example has the problem of TMI and too much change in the design for each section)
  • Professional: it is a enterprise product, not a fancy, shiny tool. We write and style accordingly

If you have concrete ideas, feel free to share them and I try to present them in a design. And feedback is always welcome, don’t hold back.

Especially, if you have ideas for topics and graphics to better explain things. I don’t have much experience with Camunda 7 (I know the most important stuff), but you probably have more experience from working with clients, therefore now what is important when communicating with technical and non-technical people.

would love to see your draft and give feedback to it. @paul

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:wave: I would also want to see it and provide feedback

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