Which images to publish

Opening a new thread.

@kthoms mentioned:

which images to publish?
Which OS, base image, Java, Operaton distros?
And when?
Nightly or on any change on main?

For me:

  1. Maybe springboot (my favorite) and wildfly (was requested by someone else)
  2. Anything convenient
  3. Nightly and releases


Existing C7 images for reference:



We should also consider, if we want to follow Camundas pattern or change it up:

  • All Camunda Images are camunda/camunda-bpm-platform and the tag contains the type of distribution: wildfly, run, etc. plus the version
  • An alternative for us would be to provide one image per distribution type and only tag versions / nightly builds, so operaton/operaton-wildfly:1.0.0-beta2 and operaton/operaton-run:1.0.0-beta2
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I would go with the alternative naming strategy like operaton/operaton-run:1.0.0-beta2 .

Maybe one day we will have operaton/operaton-run:1-slim and so on. Who knows. But already now I find the alternative naming much more intuitive. But that’s me.

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I would prefer this, too, but I cannot yet explain why. People could subscribe to certain distros and only see those updates, also we could just use the ‘latest’ tag per Distro (if we wanted to use it at all). It seems to be more flexible to me

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When I think about, I like the structure


because t is well organized, imho, and provides enough flexibility for variances whatever may come later. Like (entirely fictional names, zero strategy or actual plans!!!)

  • operaton/operaton-run:latest
  • operaton/operaton-wildfly:1.2-slim
  • operaton/operaton-go:3.2
  • operaton/rpa-worker:latest-bookworm
  • operaton/embedded-rpa:0.7-arch

I have asked my colleague Javad to work on the container images. First he will try if JReleaser can handle our kind of application. It has Docker support, but could be that packages like our distros does not fit. When this does not work he would use Buildpack.