Workshop 2025-02-12 @ Helsinki: Python / Robot Framework orchestration with Operaton

For your information:

With @Noordsestern, we are hosting a workshop on orchestrating Robot Framework with executable visual BPMN at Helsinki 2025 on the 12h of February.

If you know someone, who is using Robot Framework and has been interested in conferences, now is the time to poke them to apply and secure their seat.

Our workshop will cover the selected basics of BPMN modeling, deploying and running processes with Operaton (simple spring boot build), and orchestrating Robot Framework (and Python) workers with external service tasks. It will be similar, but not the same, I hosted with Niall for Zeebe two years ago.

We are still working on the materials, but wrote a couple f blog posts for promoting the ideas:

We are available for questions at Robot Framework forum and Slack.


Our workshop is this week and materials will remain public at

We implemented workshop dev environment using VSCode DevContainers, which supports both local environments with DevContainers VSCode extension and clicks-to-run GitHub Codespace (both with tools and Operaton [1.0.0beta3]).

The workshop is also a test run for Python based tooling for developing and serving Robot Framework external task workers.